MineablePunks Mining Pool BETA

Nonce (int ) found for address at

Current hashrate is and is mining for address

is next

What is this site?

A mining pool for Mineable Punks NFT

The mining pool is based on contribution from a minor nonce found. A score is tallied for submitted nonces. When a valid mpunk nonce is found the score of the highest address is picked, that address score is set to zero, and the pool starts mining that address.

Nonces found are printed to here. To find the latest valid nonce see latest.

How can I get some MineablePunks?

There are two ways to get a MineablePunk NFT:

Option 1: Mine them yourself

If you have access to a Nvidia GPU just follow the instructions in the "Miner Setup" and "Minter Setup" sections below.

Option 2: Buy from secondary marketplaces

Always double check you're buying the real collection and from legitimate websites. When in doubt, ask in the mpunks discord!

Here are quicklinks to places you can buy mpunks from:

What hashrate can I get with card X?

Here's a list of card models and approximate hashrates (reported by other miners). This list is for stock (no modifications or overclocking) GPU hashrate estimates only.

If your nvidia GPU isn't listed here on here, please setup the miner and let us know what your hashrate is in the discord's mpunk-mining channel.

1 GH/s = 1,000,000,000 H/s

GPU Model/NameHashrate (GH/s)
RTX 40904.0
RTX 30901.6
RTX 30801.1
RTX 3080 Ti1.4
RTX 30700.8
RTX 30600.6
RTX A60001.75
RTX A50001.3
RTX A40000.8

How long will it take to find a nonce?

Here's a hashrate to time converter that will give you an estimate on how long it will take to find a nonce. Remember that the found nonce could also be an invalid one (produce a duplicate mpunk or OG cryptopunk). If you join the pool, we try to blast through invalid nonces together 💪 so your approximate time to find a valid nonce could be slightly longer (in case we keep finding back to back invalid nonces)

-- days --:--:--

How do I get started with mining?

To get started, you'll need to setup one or more miners (instructions below) and one instance of the automatic minter. Please follow the instructions in the "Miner Setup" and "Minter Setup" sections below.

Miner Setup

Windows 11 (or latest version of Windows 10)

The current version of mminer4 only runs on linux. So you'll have to do the following steps to get Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) running with nvidia drivers.

Note: Alternative how-to tutorial to get WSL + Ubuntu installed is available here.

Open PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator"

Then set the default WSL version to 2:

wsl --set-default-version 2

Install the Ubuntu distro:

wsl --install --distribution ubuntu

Restart your machine.

Once you've restarted, launch the Ubuntu application by searching for Ubuntu in your Windows search bar.

Then continue with the Ubuntu/Linux setup instructions below.

Ubuntu / Linux

Link to pre-built mminer4

You can download it within ubuntu/linux by running:

wget https://mpunkspool.com/mminer4

Make it executible by running:

chmod +x mminer4

Install the dependencies by running:

sudo apt update

sudo apt -y install libjansson-dev libgmp-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

You should be able to run the miner by running (replace the example address with your wallet address):

./mminer4 -a 0xd461e0a11ff05a6e647e58cff6a180017f061275

If an address is passed in that does not begin with 0x it will be ignored. If no address is passed in (no -a flag) then it will use the default address.

For multiple gpu support you can run an instance of mminer4 for each gpu and use the -x 1 flag where the number is the gpu ordinal number


There's a docker image available on docker hub: cryptoshoveler/mminer4

The image tags correspond to the nvidia CUDA version you have installed on your computer or rig. If you're not sure which one you need, try cryptoshoveler/mminer:11.0 first.

This image supports any command line args that mminer4 accepts.

Example of how to run this image on all available GPUs (replace example address with your own wallet address):

docker run -i -t cryptoshoveler/mminer4:11.0 -a "0xd461e0a11ff05a6e647e58cff6a180017f061275"

By default, the docker version of mminer4 will run on all available nvidia GPUs (it spawns one instance of mminer4 per GPU). If you'd prefer to run it on a specific GPU please use the -x 0 command flag to run it on a specific gpu (this example uses GPU with ID 0).


This is a service that lets you rent affordable GPUs, per hour.

You'll need an account. If you don't have one you can go to vast.ai and sign up.

Once you're logged into your account, you can head over to the Create Instance page.

Click Edit Image & Config

Click any row with a blank template name to expand it. The first row and last 3 rows should be blank template rows that you can use.

Set the docker image/tag name to: cryptoshoveler/mminer4:11.0

That image/tag worked well for me but feel free to use any of the available docker version tags if you need to. Example: cryptoshoveler/mminer4:12.0 can be used for rigs run CUDA v12.x drivers.

Make sure "Launch Mode" is set to Run interactive shell server, SSH.

For "On-start script", copy/paste this in (replace the example address with your own wallet address):

/app/start.sh -a "0xd461e0a11ff05a6e647e58cff6a180017f061275"

Under "Disk space to allocate", you can leave the default 10.00 GB or shrink it down to 5.00 GB if you want to save a few cents.

Click Select & Save

If you see the mminer4 image is set under "Instance Configuration", you're ready to shop!

When you find a GPU instance you want, just click Rent for "On-Demand" instances. There's also "interruptible" instances that you can bid on but you can figure out how to use those on your own ;)

After you click rent, the instance will show start downloading everything it needs and begin mining automatically (could take a minute or two to actually start up fully).

By default, mminer4 will run on all available nvidia GPUs.

IMPORTANT: since vast.ai runs on other people's rigs, the instances might have a driver/docker error sometimes. You should keep an eye on your active instances and cancel any instance that's stuck in an error state for too long (and rent another instance).


Coming Soon...

Minter Setup

Automatic Minting

To not miss nonces, it is useful to auto-mint the valid pool result when it comes up for your address.

Download and unzip the latest version of the mpunks-miner-controller. This is the tool that will actually do the minting using your wallet. You can either run it via the pre-built mpunks-miner-controller.exe (Windows only) or run it from source (advanced. You'll need to have nodejs and yarn installed + follow the readme in the linked controller github repo).

Then rename the .env file to .env.local and edit it. You need to set these variables properly in that file:

Now run either mpunks-miner-controller.exe or yarn start (depending if you want to use the pre-built binary or running it from source)

That's it! If there is enough ETH in the wallet and the current gas is below your set limit, this will trigger an auto mint.

Manual Minting

Check the score to know when you are mined for and then the nonces (ordered from most recent to oldest) or latest to check if a valid nonce was found for your address.

If you see a valid nonce just was found, go to the contract page. Check to see if someone has minted after your nonce is found (nonces are based on last minted assets). The current timezone in the nonces page is UTC. You can translate that using https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Convert your nonce into a decimal number using an online converter.

On the etherscan contract tab, click "connect to web3" and connect your wallet.

Then go to the "write contract" tab on the etherscan page and inside the "mint" function, enter the integer/decimal nonce and enter 0 for block.

Mint and enjoy!

NOTE: If you miss your nonce, you won't be able to mint an mpunk. If you try, you'll be wasting gas on a transaction that will error/fail. You will have missed your nonce if someone mints an mpunk after the time your nonce is found so you'll want to make sure you check the pool page often and mint quickly.

FYI, all times are in UTC at the moment.